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I'm still here...

I admit it – I have been a slack blogger.

A slogger? Or a slagger? Okay – not a slagger.

At my writers' group meeting last night the topic of updating blogs came up – and it reminded me I’ve been just slightly remiss. The fact that one of my unofficial writing goals for this year was to update my blog weekly and I haven’t done it for – 10 weeks! How did that happen?! – was the cause of much amusement.

Eurovision weekend had nothing to do with it, I swear.

So here I am, blogging, trying to get back on track.

My official goals were:

1. Submit one story to at least five publishers in the first half of the year.

Done. One story sent to five publishers. 2. Finish another story and submit it to at least five publishers in the second half of the year. 50% done. One story done and sent to one publisher, although I’m now having a rethink on the ending... 3. Write six first drafts from my PiBoIdMo ideas. 15% done. One written so far. Slightly behind track. Planning a big push once the university semester is over in six weeks.

4. Enter two competitions for the year.

50% done. One competition entered so far. 5. Submit two stories to magazines for publication. Not done, but I'm hoping a piece I’m developing through my uni course will be suitable.

6. Read 50 books this year (which I've pledged to do through Goodreads).

I have read 15 out of 50 books and am 3 books behind schedule.

Not that this is an excuse (maybe just a small one!), but I have been advised to cut back on computer work and study because my post-neck surgery recovery hasn’t been going as well as hoped. So when it comes down to it, uni work, writing and physiotherapy have taken priority over blogging, and as much as I, like a lot of other people, like to think they can do it all – non-stop, flat-out and perfectly – I can’t.

So I’m trying to set weekly goals now, which this week include:

  • not getting further behind with uni;-

  • finishing an assignment by the end of next week;

  • taking regular breaks from study;

  • trying not to stress about the blog; and

  • update the blog at least once.

I think I can consider the last one done.

See you (in a cyber-sense) next week!

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